

June 11 1963 Self-immolation by a Vietnamese monk

What is Engaged Buddhism?

Engaged Buddhism refers to social activities by Buddhists / Buddhist organizations and social movements inspired by Buddhist teachings.
It is said that this term was coined by the Vietnamese monk, Thich Nath Hanh, who used it explain the anti-war protests and self-immolations by Vietnamese Buddhists monks during the Vietnam War.

Various Examples of Engaged Buddhist movements are:
  • Tibet liberation movement led by Dalai Lama

  • The Neo-Buddhists movement in India by the lower caste Buddhist converts

  • Sarvodaya movement in Sri Lanka.

  • Buddhadasa Bhikku and “development monks” or “ecology monks” of Thailand.

  • Maha Ghosananda and Dhammayietra (Peace Walk) in Cambodia.

  • Peace movements by Japanese Buddhists e.g. Nipponzan Myohoji, Soka Gakkai, Rissho Kosei-kai.

Study of Engaged Buddhism

The study of Engaged Buddhism is emerging as a new area of research on contemporary Buddhism.
Christopher Queen, Sallie King and others Engaged Buddhism: Buddhist Liberation Movements in Asia (1996); Engaged Buddhism in the West (2000); Action Dharma: New Studies in Engaged Buddhism (2003), Joanna Macy Dharma and Development (1991) ; Kenneth Kraft Inner Peace, World Peace (1992)…… to name a few researches on Engaged Buddhism by western scholars.

Engaged Buddhism in Japan

社会参加仏教 (Syakai Sanka Bukkyo) Japanese translation of Engaged Buddhism.

This term is coined by Ranjana Mukhopadhyay. It appears in the title of her book, Nihon ni okeru Syakai Sanka Bukkyo (Engaged Buddhism in Japan) Toshindo, Japan: Tokyo, 2005.

In this Book ~

Engaged Buddhism is used as an analytical concept to study the modern transformation of Japanese Buddhism and identify the main patterns of social engagement of modern / contemporary Japanese Buddhism.

This conceptualization of ‘Engaged Buddhism’ is based on the interactions between Buddhism (religion) and other modern social institutions (e.g. state, civil society, education etc.) that emerges as a consequence of its social activism.


Ranjana Mukhopadhyaya, Nihon no Shakai Sanka Bukkyo: Hoonji to Rissho Kosei kai no shakai katsudo to shakai rinri, Toshindo, Tokyo, 2005.

Engaged Buddhism in Japan: Social Activities and Social Ethics of Hoonji and Rissho-Kosei-kai

Syakai Sanka Bukkyo is the Japanese word for Engaged Buddhism or Socially Engaged Buddhism coined by the author. Syakai Sanka Bukkyo or Engaged Buddhism is a term used to refer to social and political activities of Buddhists and Buddhist organizations as well as social movements inspired by Buddhist teachings.


BOOK AWARDS for Nihon no Shakai Sanka Bukkyo

Ranjana Mukhopadhyaya, Nihon no Shakai Sanka Bukkyo: Hoonji to Rissho Kosei-kai no Shakai Katsudo to Shakai Rinri (Engaged Buddhism in Japan: Social Activities and Social Ethics of Hoonji and Rissho Kosei-kai) published by Toshindo,Tokyo, Japan, in 2005 has received two academic awards. They are:

* Japanese Association for Religious Studies Award, 2007
* Japanese Association for Buddhist Social Welfare Studies Award, 2007

  The first award received was from the Japanese Association for Buddhist Social Welfare Studies. The award ceremony was held on 7th September, 2007 during the 42th Annual Conference of this association at the Doho University in Nagoya. The author is the First Recipient of this award for excellence in research by upcoming scholar.

Soon after this the second award for this book was conferred by the Japanese Association for Religious Studies. (The highest award in Religious Studies in Japan). The award was presented on 16th September, 2007 at Rissho University in Tokyo, during the 66th Annual Conference of Japanese Association for Religious Studies.




   日本宗教学会賞  ★ 日本仏教社会福祉学会第1回奨励賞  

  授賞式:2007年9月16日、立正大学(東京)で開催された本学会の第66回の学術大会の 総会で